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Current standards for the ergonomics design of software for visual digital assistance systems in Germany

ISSN 2223-6775 Український журнал з проблем медицини праці Том.19, №3, 2023

Current standards for the ergonomics design of software for visual digital assistance systems in Germany

Böckelmann I.1, van Schelve J.1, Zavgorodnii I.2, Minow A.1
1Institute of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany
2Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Повна стаття (PDF), АНГЛ

Objectives. Considering the industrial changes in times of Work 4.0, new digital solutions must be implemented. The systematic overview of the existing standards should contribute to the human-centred design of assistive systems and provide support for the development and evaluation of new digital assistance systems.

Methods. Within the framework of the joint project "3D-Montageassistent" (funded by BMBF), various databases were searched for standards and guidelines for the ergonomic design of digital assistance systems existing in the national and international area.

Results. With regard to the objectives, the standards series DIN EN ISO 9241 "Ergonomics of human-system interaction" as well as DIN EN ISO 26800 "Ergonomics - General approach, principles and concepts" and DIN EN ISO 6385 "Ergonomics principles in the design of work systems" stand out in particular.

Conclusions. A multi-professional cooperation forms the current path of occupational medicine. The individual is placed at the centre of attention for the design and is promoted preventively [1]. Some standards already exist for the human-centred design of digital assistance systems, but the development of new legislation cannot keep pace with the speed of development of new technologies. For the harmless use of visual digital assistance systems, the deficits must be addressed.

Ключові слова: Assistance systems, ergonomics, standards, work 4.0, usability.


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